Brady Coles

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Brady W. J. Coles
Brady in 2018.
BornOctober 11, 1995
Other NamesImmabed, BW, BWJC, bwjclego, BreedBrogBrilliganBroles, berderberlyerjercerlerger
Years activatedAugust 22nd, 2011 to Present

Brady Coles, also known as BWJC, bwjclego, or Immabed, is one of the remaining members of the Pixelated Pickaxe server.


Brady is a person who may be alive.

That said, there are rumours he is actually a robot.

Minecraft Builds

The slab. Some other stuff.


Minecraft and some other stuff.

Other Stuff

idk music I guess?

Participation in Group Projects

Brady is quick to participate in creative group projects outside of Minecraft or other video games, particularly where computer programming is involved. Over the years this has included many attempts at creating a video game, though none have been completed.

  • Rotarium - Brady took the lead at the first attempt to make a video game, and was lead developer with Brodie Snavely also providing some programming, and Rob Bauer providing some art.
  • Detente - Following Chance Wen introducing some of the members to the video game DEFCON, he approached Brady about creating a similar type of game. Brady did some basic preliminary work, but very little was finished before the project was abandoned.
  • Joking Hazard - Chance had supported the Joking Hazard card game by Explosm Entertainment, but it was a physical game, so Brady took on the task of creating a multiplayer video game replicating the rules, while Chance would scan in his game to add the assets. This was never completed.
  • The Pixelated Pickaxe Christmas Collection - Poorly done karaoke covers of all sorts of songs, just for fun!
  • Space Trucker - For the Ludum Dare 72 hour game jam, Brady, Chance, Nathan Wells, Brodie and Rob worked on a game about managing a cargo spaceship. This is the most complete game PPX members have worked on, but was not quite feature complete at the end of the jam, and has languished ever since.
  • Elysia Proelium - A visual novel being created by Chance and one of his friends outside of PPX. Brady jumped on as lead programmer, but the project shifted game engine, and then morphed into a different novel project.
  • RUDcast - A space related podcast with Chance. Due to scheduling difficulties with Chance living in Japan for several years, there are few episodes.
  • Pixelated Pickaxe Wiki - This wiki project is a group effort. Brady is a key contributor, and also manages the back end server details.
  • Space Launch Tycoon - A game concept worked on by Brady, Chance, and Nathan that never got past the drawing board, but had a good amount of discussion about game mechanics, and a possible board game spin-off.
  • Rail Speeder - A plan to build a home made rail speeder for cruising and exploring abandoned rail lines, primarily led by Chance, Nathan and Brady.
